Avoid your baby site to Google Sandbox
Does your baby new site/blog been to 'Google Sandbox' before? But I bet it's definitely not a fun place to be.Sandbox is where all those sites especially new sites are kept until they're evaluate by Google that your site is mature enough to be in the Google's top ranking game for a certain keyword. It just likes a probation period for new sites. So, this is ONE of barriers for a newcomer to penetrate into search engine's world.
Although there is no direct confirmation of the existence of a sandbox. Somehow, have you experience before, no matter how well you optimized your new sites, it just don't get high ranking on Google. While on MSN and Yahoo, your sites will get indexed quite fast.
Several reasons why Google wants to create this sandbox. It's because of there are a lot of people setting up bulk of backlinks in a short period of time, duplicated content, keywords and bla bla bla.
So as you can see, sandbox is something that you've no total control and you cannot avoid it. For instance, you just can't do anything or sue Blogger if they've deleted your blog/s without your permission or acknowledgement because it is FREE OF CHARGE, and you're not paying a penny to them by using their services. But still, always there are ways for you to rescue ;) .
How long will Google keep your baby site in the sandbox? Kekeke...
By the way, I think I really need an English teacher to teach me better English and grammar! Eeeeeek... !!!!
Sigh, just kidding.